Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My cyclamen double in size after I re potted in a larger pot, how soon should I re pot it again?

The best guide to when it needs re-potting is to look at the roots. Tip the plant out of the pot. If the roots are covering most of the soil and worse, if you cant see any soil, it is time to re-pot.

If you want to keep your plant in the same pot so it doesnt grow much more, replace about 3/4" of the soil all round the roots about once a year. Tease soil out from the roots if necessary. You can give the root ball a trim aswell if there are just too many roots.

My cyclamen double in size after I re potted in a larger pot, how soon should I re pot it again?
I think you should repot your plant as soon as you think the plant has gotten too big for its current pot. Also, keep a close eye on the leaves of your plant (withering, turning brown, becoming less firm than the others) and as a general tip, keep your plant free of brown, withered, and sickly looking leaves.
Reply:not more than once a year. and not if they don't need it as repotting can be stressful for the plant, however odd that might sound!!!

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